Lafay - the Harvester of Sorrow welcome to my sanctuary, weary stranger! Have a mug of ale, and listen up, for I will reveal to you, the secrets of ancient Medievia. Restless at heart, I started my misadventures at the age of 17, traveling further and further away from the city of Medievia as the years and my experience gained. I always carefully jotted down every detail of what i learned, so that one day my tales would be available for all who seek it. But time goes on, and as the years of my youth end, I may one day have to settle down; therefore, if you have a story or useful information that you would like to pass on, I'd be very happy to include your contribution to my tomes. I can usually be found exploring Medievia, but if not you can send a letter and my clerk will make sure I get it.

Lafay, the Harvester of Sorrow
The 33rd Day of the Month of the Scorpion, Year 498.

Quest Maps

**Ladder Quest Zone**

Level 1:           Level 2:       Level 3:

o--o--o--o--o      o     o             o
|     |     |      |     |             |
o     o     o   o--o--o--o--o       o--o--o
|     |     |      |  |  |          |  |  |
o--o--o--o--o      o--o--o       o--o--o--o--o
|     |     |      |  |  |          |  |  |
o     o     o   o--o--o--o--o       o--o--o
|     |     |      |     |             |
o--o--o--o--o      o     o             o

Level 4:     Level 5:

o--o--o        o--o
|  |  |        |  |
o--o--o        o--o
|  |  |

**Capt'n Krunch Area**

   |        |        |
   o        o        o     "x" = team staging room
   |        |        |
   o     o--o--o     o
   |     |  |  |     |
   |     |  |  |     |
   o     o--o--o     o
   |        |        |
   o        o        o
   |        |        |

**NPK Grudge:           CPK Grudge:**

      o--o--o             o--o--o--o
      |     |             |        |
   o--o--o  o             o        o
   |  |  |  |             |        |
o--o--o--o--o          o--o--o     o
|  |  |  |             |  |  |     |
o  o--o--o       o--o--o--o--o--o--o
|     |          |     |  |  |
o--o--o          o     o--o--o
                 |        |
                 o        o
                 |        |

***Flag Fest Area***
o - room
u - up exit
d - down exit
U - up to turn in room.
x - leaving the "start room" will put you in one of these rooms.
X - "location of start room" but when in passageways, either it's a
north/south, or east/west continual passage (can't re-enter startroom).
Lower Level (the Cellar)

o--o--o--o  o--o--o--o
|        |  |        |
o        o--o        o
|        |  |        |
o     o--o--o--o     o
|     |  |  |  |     |
   |  |  |  |  |  |
|     |  |  |  |     |
o     o--o--o--o     o
|        |  |        |
o        o--o        o
|        |  |        |
o--o--o--o  o--o--o--o

Middle Level (Hallways of Banners) (you start here)

                  |        |  |
                  o        o--o
                  |        |  |
                  o     o--o--d
                  |     |     |
                  o     o     o
                  |     |     |
o--o--d--o--o--o--o     o     o
|  |  |           |     |     |
o--o--o           o--o--o     o
|     |              |        |
o     o--o--o--o     x     o--o--o--o--o--u
|              |     |     |              |
o              o--x--X--x--o              o
|              |     |     |              |
u--o--o--o--o--o     x     o--o--o--o     o
            |        |              |     |
            o     o--o--o           o--o--o
            |     |     |           |  |  |
            o     o     o--o--o--o--d--o--o
            |     |     |
            o     o     o
            |     |     |
            d--o--o     o
            |  |        |
            o--o        o
            |  |        |

Upper Level (Colors and Standards -- turn in room on this level)

   d--o--o--o--o--o     o--o--o--d
   |        |     |     |  |     |
   o        o     o     o--o     o
   |              |              |
   o--o           o              o
   |  |           |              |
   o--o           o           o--o--o
                  |              |
               o--o--o           o
               |  |  |           |
   |           |  |  |
   o           o--o--o
   |              |
o--o--o           o           o--o
   |              |           |  |
   o              o           o--o
   |              |              |
   o     o--o     o     o        o
   |     |  |     |     |        |
   d--o--o--o     o--o--o--o--o--d
Here's a quick explaination about the quests that I'm (Omawarisan) currently running. You should know, there is a Quest (bulletin) Board in the Quest Shop. It's just north of the bank in Medievia, upstairs. The Quest board is something you ought to glance at on occasion. While I often write notes upon it on a whim, and they can read a bit awkwardly, it is still the place to get info when you're playing Medievia.

**Fishing Quest**

Silly as it is, there are times when a player just wants to unwind with a jug of ale (water for you kids), some fishing line, and a few demented friends and go fishing. The Fishing Quest is all about silliness, and started as a joke late one night.. anyway...

  • Required Levels: none
  • Required EQ: fishing line (don't ask me where it loads)
  • Location: Various lakes and streams throughout the wilderness of Medievia
  • Scoring: Fish have random weights, score is total weight turned in.
  • Time: 1 hour, best score at end of time wins.
  • Prize: Winner gets Held or Line renamed (temporary), free Title change for player too.
  • Object: You catch fish, turn them in for scoring. Simple. You should have a boat, or levatation, although I'll load a few boats just in case you're stranded on water. There are a variety of fish you can catch, each is worth so many pounds. You turn them in, and get a score of 1-MaxWeight (it's random). This is the Wilderness, and some norty mobs float, so bewarned -- you can die.
  • Commands: (in tells to Omawarisan, unless noted otherwise)
    • enroll me - tells you to ensure that you have line
    • enroll me fish - enrolls you, transports you to fishing spot.
    • score - see your tally
    • time - check remaining time left
    • med me - leave game, return to med (you can return to game, but must find fishing spot on your own)
      help - info

**Mob Hunt Quest**

  • Required Levels: none
  • Required EQ: none
  • Location: entire wilderness of medievia, Omawarisan and the Duke are in the Quest Shop
  • Scoring: Various payment for mob corpses
  • Time: 1 hour
  • Prize: No actual "winner", you keep what you earned.
  • Object: The Duke of Trellor gets upset at all the hideous mobs which roam about the wilderness. And at times he's willing to make payments to valiant hunters for the corpses of certain mobs. Mob Hunt has you go out and kill WILDERNESS mobs. There are currently 75 different mobs that are valid 'kills'. Return the corpse to Omawarisan (give corpse omawarisan) and you get some coins. The harder the mob, the better the payoff. There is a special "bounty" mob, which is worth at least 50k, or double its normal value, whichever is greater. Once the bounty mob is turned in, a new bounty mob is selected at random. Even if the limit of a certain mob type is filled, if it's the bounty mob, it's still worth a reward. (There is a limit to how many corpses of each mob can be turned in, once the limit is reached the Duke will no longer pay rewards for it). There is no transporting of players.. you must return to the Quest Shop and give Omawarisan the corpse on your own. No heals, no potions, etc...
  • Commands:
    • Simply just give corpse(s) to Omawarisan. There is no enrollment.
    • score - see how much you have earned
    • bounty - check which mob is the "Bounty Mob"
    • check *mobname* - check a corpse to see if the limit has been reached on it.
    • time - see how much time remains in game.
    • help - info

**Hero Hunt Quest**

  • Required Levels: Anyone Total Level 10+ may join
  • Required EQ: none
  • Location: the arena in med (new area is under construction)
  • Scoring: Kill high level player = more points, Lower level = less or minus points
  • Time: 1 hour, best score(s) at end of time wins.
  • Prize: Game prizes, per "class" (Single, Dual, Triple, Quad, Hero) are: 1st-50k, 2nd-blue orb, 3rd-green orb. Total scores 'roll over' in a "Tournament Score". After 10 games, the top 3 in the Tournament get: 1st-500k, 2nd-250k, 3rd-100k.
  • Object: The object is the kill! It's a pk fest. You score higher if you kill someone higher level than you, BUT the game takes both Level and Total Level into account. Say you're a Single 26 (TLev26) you kill a TLev41 (that's higher..but it's only a Lev10.. Your score is based off the TLev and Level, most likely a 26 killing a 10 (albeit a TLev41) probably isn't wise. Titles denote player levels, so it's important to pay attention to titles (NOTE: Due to new Title structure, this game is in limbo). Lower Level players have a 'fun' attack, Suicide -- seek out heros and attack! As the hero strikes you down, you decrease their score (actually not just heros, just about anyone that's upper level will suffer!).
    NOTE: This game is very scoring intensive, and I lag a TON due to the amount of spam and math routines. Be patient with me. When you tell me a command, wait at LEAST 20 seconds for it to happen. Spamming me only results in my further slowing down.
    Scoring is by "class", I rank Top Overall, Heros, Quads, Triples, Duals, and Singles. The main object is to be the best in your class. Top Overall only really matters for the tournament score. The last person left alive in the arena wins the "Last Man Standing" award (500pts).
  • Commands:
    • enroll me - enroll, gathers some info on you. Does not place you into the game.
    • kill me - places you into the arena (a safe start room)
    • ouch - if you teleport, summon, phase, word, or die by fireshield, you have to use "ouch" to return. You lose 50pts.
    • time - show time remaining
    • score - score info
      (to leave just walk away after you've died)
    • help - info

**Ladder Quest**

  • Required Levels: Various restrictions per game
  • Required EQ: none
  • Location: Ladder Quest area
  • Scoring: Kill 5 people to advance a level.
  • Time: runs until player wins
  • Prize: Winner (there's only 1) gets a special no_rent shield, and a free title change.
  • Object: There are 5 levels in the Ladder Quest area. You start on level 1.Kill 5 people and you advance to the next level. The first player to get 5 kills on level 5 wins. The higher the level, the fewer rooms in it (level 5 is only 4 rooms big).
  • Commands:
    • enroll me - enroll, puts you IN the battle area, so be ready
    • kill me - return to game after you've been killed.
    • ouch - use ouch if a fireshield killed you. You lose 1 kill on your score.
    • who - show how many players are allowed on each level
    • kills - show how many kills you have on your current level
    • med me - leave the game. Your score is nulled. You can enroll again if you wish.
    • help - info

**Belt Championships**

Belt Championships are held by arrangement for 1 person. This quest pits you against 12 mobs. You fight them 2 at a time. You are racing the clock. There are areas in the quest shop where you can see the current Champions (statues) and scores (tablets) per class (warrior, thief, mage, cleric). Do you think you have what it takes to beat the best time? (I'm not telling too much about this quest, you must just enroll and give it a try to learn it). Know that it is not easy, lower classes will die quickly. Recommended that you are HIGH level, and a multi.

**Grudge Matches**

Grudge matches are simply way to bash in the head of that annoying person in a "controlled" environment. There are 2 match areas. NPK and CPK. It is up to you and your opponent which area you wish to use. Either way, it costs 1 Million Gold (a bar) per player. Grudges are done by arrangement (just ask me), and are currently just for 1 on 1 engagement (formation/team grudges coming on day I suppose). When you enter, you're in a safe room. I'll explain some stuff, etc. Once ready I'll transport you and your opponent into the area. The survivor gets the gold (and looting if CPK). Mindlink is available.

**PK Gold**

  • Required Levels: Level Restrictions vary per game. Fairly tight restrictions usually.
  • Required EQ: none
  • Location: Uses Ladder Quest area, but all floors are open.
  • Scoring: 200k for a kill, -100k for dying
  • Time: runs until the pot runs dry
  • Prize: you make money, you keep it. otherwise your lose :)
  • Object: PK Gold requires 1 Million Gold (a bar) to enter. Your entry 'fee' is put into a pot. Naturally the more entries, the better the pot. One entering your score is 0 (coins). Kill someone you get 200k on your score, die you lose 100k from your score. NOTE: If your score is negative (ie: -1300000) you do not "owe" anything, just your initial 1M entry bar. A negative score only means it's that much harder to go positive. When a player dies, the pot is reduced by 200k (the killers payoff). Once the pot is at 0, the game is over. The pot is not reimbursed by the dying person (who loses -100k). After the game, if you have won money, it will be mailed to you. NOTE: If you leave the game (via "med me") You CANNOT return. Your score is saved though, so if you had earnings, you will recieve them).
  • Commands:
    • enroll me - warns you to ensure that you have a bar
    • enroll me bar - transports you to me, checks to make sure your level is valid for game restrictions
    • give bar omawarisan - give me the aurellium bar, this action actually enrolls you.
    • kill me - enter the fray!
    • ouch - if a fireshield killed you, this returns you to the area -100k
    • gold - shows your tally, and the pot remaining
    • med me - leave the game, you cannot return. You score is saved though.
    • help - info

**Capt'n Krunch**

  • Required Levels: Various Restrictions per game
  • Required EQ: none
  • Location: Capt'n Krunch Area of the Wasteland
  • Scoring: none (last team wins)
  • Time: Runs until last Captain is alive
  • Prize: dunno yet, gold perhaps. Free titles for survivors
  • Object: Up to four full forms (9 per form). Red, Blue, Gold, and Magenta teams. Each team has a Captain. The object is to keep your captain alive, while killing the other team's captains. When a captain is killed, that captains team (and the captain) are elminated from the game. When a player kills an enemy, the killer's captain gets a heal from me. Other than that, there is no ingame interference from me. Anything goes in the zone. You may break your team into small squads, or stay in a form of 9. Defend, offend, both -- it's up to your team. Once dead your are OUT and cannot return. One RULE: do NOT pick up flags. You may sac them (one's on the ground). Do NOT hold, put in a bag, or drop your flag. The Flags identify teams.
  • Commands:
    • enroll me - enroll in the game.
    • [r|b|g|m] team - show members of a team (r=red, b=blue, etc)
    • capt - show who the captains are
    • lev res - show level restrictions for current game
    • help - info

**Eliminator Quest**

  • Required Levels: Various Level Restrictions per game
  • Required EQ: none
  • Location: Elminator Area of the Wasteland
  • Scoring: Elmination, last man wins.
  • Time: Runs until 1 player is left
  • Prize: Gold, free title
  • Object: 16 players enroll. There are 4 Rounds to the game. The rounds pit the players in 1 on 1 battle. Everyone fights at the same time per round. But you only fight 1 other player, in a 4 room area. Your opponent is selected at random -- you have no choice about who you fight. After each round there is time to "regroup" and prepare yourself of the next round. Players in each round are halved (duh, as 1/2 are elminated). 16\8\4\2\winner. COATS are NOT allowed, NOR are ELEMENTALS. Anyone caught using a COAT or ELEMENTAL shall suffer some (Medievia's Jail is just a few doors away).
  • Commands:
    • enroll me - enroll in game
    • lev res - show level restrictions for current game
    • help - info

**Totem Quest**
The Totem quest is kind of like a scavenger hunt/clue-search. There are special mobs, "totems" that do something when you kiss them. Primarily it works by clues, that is, I give the initial clue to the first totem, you find it, kiss it, get a clue to the next totem. The totem quest great because it offers me a lot of potential things to do for each quest, as no totem quest is exactly alike.

There are usually 10 totems per quest. The first few are fairly easy to find (allowing newbies a chance at the quest. The further along you go, the harder it might become to find the next totem. Players should expect ANYTHING. NPK, CPK, lots of dragon flights, running round the wilderness, need for special equipment, etc...

Some totems require that you have in your inventory a certain item when you "kiss totem"! Others only require a kiss. Some totems might be walking around a zone, while others are stationary.

When you succeed in finding a totem, you're given a Token (MAKE SURE THAT YOU CAN RECIEVE ITEMS!! Clear up your inventory!!). Give the token to me for prize money! This way, you can finish a few totems, and still win something. Naturally the further you go long, finding harder totems, the more money you get per token. Also, tokens drop if you die! So watch out for pk'rs that want to take your tokens! IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO HAVE A CLEAR INVENTORY, MISSED TOKENS WILL NOT BE LOADED -- I have no time to fuss about loading tokens for people that cannot manage their inventories!

Totem quests take anywhere from 1-4 hours or so.

**Pirate Ship PK**

  • Required Levels: none
  • Required EQ: none
  • Location: Pirate Ship Zone
  • Scoring: Gold for kills.
  • Time: approx. 1 hour
  • Prize: Keep any gold you make
  • Object: General PK, but in an active zone (with mobs). Kill someone and you get some gold. The higher the killed person's level, the more gold you get. If mobs kill you, you'll get restored. So no real risk.
  • Commands (in tells to the quest god):
    • 'med me' or 'trell me' - be removed (your score is saved, in case of returning).
    • enroll me - enroll in game.
    • re-enroll me - you exited, but wish to return.
    • kill me - get placed at random spot on deck
    • ouch - death by fireshield, or you just walked away?(no actual death) Works like kill me, with a penalty.
    • gold - see how much you've made
    • help - info.

You are cherry pick ten thousand six hundred and seventy-one 
All content copyright Ronny Iversen ©2001, reuse of original or modified
content without permission is strictly prohibited.