Lafay - the Harvester of Sorrow welcome to my sanctuary, weary stranger! Have a mug of ale, and listen up, for I will reveal to you, the secrets of ancient Medievia. Restless at heart, I started my misadventures at the age of 17, traveling further and further away from the city of Medievia as the years and my experience gained. I always carefully jotted down every detail of what i learned, so that one day my tales would be available for all who seek it. But time goes on, and as the years of my youth end, I may one day have to settle down; therefore, if you have a story or useful information that you would like to pass on, I'd be very happy to include your contribution to my tomes. I can usually be found exploring Medievia, but if not you can send a letter and my clerk will make sure I get it.

Lafay, the Harvester of Sorrow
The 33rd Day of the Month of the Scorpion, Year 498.

About these pages

hello and welcome to my Medievia pages, weather your a newbie or a hero, I hope you will find useful information, These pages started out when I first began playing med. I always mapped every zone I did, and after a while the collection grew quite big, and I decided to let other players have access to my maps.

I do not recomend following the maps blindly, as this will spoil some of the exploring fun. The purpose of the maps are to be used as reference or a guidance when you are hopelessly stuck in a zone.

Some of the maps Ive found on the net, others fellow medievians have provided me. If you have any useful bit of information or maps, Id be happy to include them. To contact me, link me when im on med, mudmail me, or e-mail me at

The zones are catacorized by degree of difficulty, easy, hard, deadly, this isnt entirely correct as parts of Lyryanoth, Asnor, Catacombs, Mahn-Tor and Eldrics Tomb can be done by lowere level players, but to run the whole zones requires skill and higher levels.

These pages are best viewed with unix netscape or Explorer(keep the font size small!!). Netscape for windows fucks up the maps for some reason

Medievia is Copyright © 1992-1998 Michael A. Krause Sr.

Lafay, the harvester of Sorrow
The 18th Day of the Month of Dark Magick, Year 498.

You are cherry pick nine thousand six hundred and forty-six 
All content copyright Ronny Iversen ©2001, reuse of original or modified
content without permission is strictly prohibited.