Lafay - the Harvester of Sorrow welcome to my sanctuary, weary stranger! Have a mug of ale, and listen up, for I will reveal to you, the secrets of ancient Medievia. Restless at heart, I started my misadventures at the age of 17, traveling further and further away from the city of Medievia as the years and my experience gained. I always carefully jotted down every detail of what i learned, so that one day my tales would be available for all who seek it. But time goes on, and as the years of my youth end, I may one day have to settle down; therefore, if you have a story or useful information that you would like to pass on, I'd be very happy to include your contribution to my tomes. I can usually be found exploring Medievia, but if not you can send a letter and my clerk will make sure I get it.

Lafay, the Harvester of Sorrow
The 33rd Day of the Month of the Scorpion, Year 498.

The Preserve

In the deep forest outside of Medievia a luckless adventurer has stumbled upon an animal haven. News of this protected zone has spread quietly throughout the world. Rumor has it that this area is protected by a man known only as the Keeper and the Fairy Queen who exist in an uneasy alliance. The Keeper is said to suffer from an lifelong obsession to return the world to the animals. Not much is known about the Fairy Queen.

An adventuring place for the groups of mid-teen levels. If your travels take you to the Preserve, keep your eyes open and your senses alert. The animals don't take kindly to humans...


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You are cherry pick six hundred and sixty-five 
All content copyright Ronny Iversen ©2001, reuse of original or modified
content without permission is strictly prohibited.