Lafay - the Harvester of Sorrow welcome to my sanctuary, weary stranger! Have a mug of ale, and listen up, for I will reveal to you, the secrets of ancient Medievia. Restless at heart, I started my misadventures at the age of 17, traveling further and further away from the city of Medievia as the years and my experience gained. I always carefully jotted down every detail of what i learned, so that one day my tales would be available for all who seek it. But time goes on, and as the years of my youth end, I may one day have to settle down; therefore, if you have a story or useful information that you would like to pass on, I'd be very happy to include your contribution to my tomes. I can usually be found exploring Medievia, but if not you can send a letter and my clerk will make sure I get it.

Lafay, the Harvester of Sorrow
The 33rd Day of the Month of the Scorpion, Year 498.


Zone 57: The Temple of Bloodstone
Rooms: 210 Lifespan: 120 Type: NPK/CPK
Suggested Levels:
Soloing : 28-31
Small Group: 26-31
Large Group: 24-31

The Temple of Bloodstone is now only a twisted ruin of the holy place it once was. Once through the evil forest it lies in, you must enter the temple and defeat the magical guardians created by the archmage Vecna to get at it's treasures. But beware. A legion of Solamnic Knights attempted to free the temple only to become a horde of possessed slaves blocking your path. This is the most dangerous realm on the MUD - have fun!

Hints: Stay away. If you're not with a group experienced here, don't come near it. This zone requires a great deal of time, planning, and coordination. If you do go in, try to sneak all the time.

           o---o---o---@    npk tree in nw corner of bstone island
                                                           o---o---o--o---o---o---o   o--------o---o
           @                                               |   |      |       |   |   | T          |
           |                                           o---o   o      |       |   o---o o---o--o---o
   o------>o                                           |   |   |      |       o       |  \     |   |
   |       |                                        *--|---o---o      |       |       |   o    o---o
   |       o---o---o---o                           /|  |              o---o   |       |  jade  |
   o           |       |        underwater pool     |  |/             |   |   |       |  war   | 
   |        ---o       o---o     o---o       o---o---o *---o   o---o--o   o---o---o---o        |
   |           |           |    /     \     /       ||     |   |              |   |            |    
   o---o---.---o------o----o---.       o---o        ||     o---o              o   o   o--------o    
       |   |   |           |                        ||         |              |   |   |              
       |   #-->1 up to     o---o                    |o---------|--------------o   o---o---o---o
       o   |   | tree or       |                    |          |                               |
       |         s to gate(§)  o                    |          |                               o
       |                       |                    |          |
       o                       o                    |          |
       |                       |                    o          |
       o---o---o---u---o---o---o             drow |/|          |
            \  |   |   |                     mage o o------o---o
             o o---@---o
o---o         \   o      
|   |          \   \   
o   o---o-------o   o    
    |           |   |     
o---o rathernol o---o---o
|               |       |
o---o---o---o---o       o


                 m     o---1---o                         map over dark hall & secret observation room
                 a     |       |                         
                 p     u       u                                     o
                       |       |                         Phantom     |
                 o     o---u---o                             o---o---o   o
                 v                                               |   |   |     I - appre port spot
                 e     o---1---o   1 - is up to 1a               o   o---o                 o---I2
                 r     |       |   2 - is back to 1     \        |   |   |  \             /
                       4---Z   2   3 - is back to 1      Z---o---o   Q   |   Q---o---o---o
                 t     |    \  |   4 - is back to 1              |    \  |
                 r     o---3---o   5 - back to 1                 o---o---o
                 e                 6 - back to 3                     |
                 e         5       7 - back to 2
                           |       8 - back to 3

                                                       o maiden
                                                       |          Shielag
                                               o       o       o---o
                                          harp |       |       |
                                               |       |       |   |
 #            1<-----o------o                  o---o   o   o---o   o
 |                          |                  |   |   |   |   |
 |                          |                  o---o---o---o---o---o drow priestess
 o        o---o---o---o     o                      |   |          
 |        |           |     |                  o---o   o                        
 |        o    ---g---o     |                 /        |               
 o        |                 o                4     o---o---o   gorgimera
 |        o---o---o---o     |                     /  o---˝-|-o---o---o
 |            |             |                    o   |     |        deathknight and phantasm
 o-----o------o------o------o         leaf       |   |     | 
                                         o---o---o   o-----o  
  |     azure     |
  o           o---o
  |           |
  o   o---o---o
  |   |   |
  o---o   4


               |           |           |                  
           o---o   d to    o           o---o---o---o
               | under    /            |
           o---o bstone  l             o---o                         o   o  Solamnics
               |            /          |                             |   |
           o---o           ć           o---f                 ć---o---o---o  Inquisitor
               |           |           |                    /        |   |
               o---o---o---o---o---o---o                             o   o     bolt rooms 
                   |               |                                     |  (need hps if you are evil)
                   o               o                                     o---o
                   |               |                                         |
             crypt o---o---o---o---o                                         o
                           q1  bone staircase

f - fear room


  down to        o---o
 sub. jungle     |   | jade spiders
                 o   o---o---o
                 |   |       |
       2         o   o---o   o
      /          | Illithids |
     o           o---o---o---o   o---o---o            Priestess of Lloth
     |               |                   |      o---o---o
     o               o                   o---o      |   |
    /               /                    |      o---o   o
   o---o   o       o                 o---o     /    |
       |   |       |                     |    /     o           
       o---o   o---o---o---o      ...o---o---o            o---o    
           |   |   |                     |                |   |    
           o---o   |           o---$     o            o---o   o           $
               |   o           |    \    |            |       |           |
           o---o   |           o     o   o            o   o---o---o   o---o
                   |           |      \  |            |   |   $   |   |
           o---o---o---I   o---o       o o------o o---o---o---o   o---o   o---o
         lever     |       |            /       |/        |   |           |
                   o       o           o o      o     o---o---o           o   
                   |       |           |  \           |                   |
                   o---o---o---o.......o   $          o---------o---------o
                   |           |           |
             privy o           q1      o---o---o
                  /                    |       |
                 o                     o---o---o---o---o
                                           |           |
                                           o           o  portal to q2
                                            \          .
                                             o         .
                                           crown       .
                                                       .       o------o  gruesome staircase
                                                       .       |      |
                                                       q2--o   |      |
                                                       |   |   o      |

      l-ports to a random place in the labarynth
                                  o---o---o       o---o---o---o
                 /                |       |           |       |
                o                 o---o   o---o---o---o---o   o---o
               /                  |   |   |       |       |       |
            l o               o---o   o---o---o   o       o       o
            |/                |       |       |   |       |       |
        l---o---l             o---o---o   o---o---l---o---o---o---o o---o---o
            |                     |       |       |       |   |     |       |
            l                 o---o   o---o   s   o   o---o   o     m---o---o---s
                              |       |       |   |   |       | 
                              o---o   o---o---o---o   o---o---o     m - mage
                                  |   |           |   |             s - spiked room
                                  o---o           o---o

                                     |   |   |
         o                       o---o   o---o---o
         |                       |       |       |     Nightmare
         o---o       o---o---o---o---o---o   o---o---o
         |   |       |   |           |   |   |       |
         o---o   o---o---o           o   o---o   o---o   
             |   |       |           |   |   |   | 
         o---o   o---o---o           o---o---o---o
         |       |
                 |            ooze
                 o---o---o o---o
                 |   |   |/
                     |   |

  1. Kill tree at spot 1
  2. Go all up down ,east and search and enter spot z
  3. Kill phantom, get iron brittle key
  4. Lure out and kill elementals and claws at Q.
  5. Kill armors and Inquisitor, and get keys. Bone key from Inquisitor can only be used 4 times!
  6. Open se cage and get key form the end of the boilt rooms.
  7. Get apprentice , attack it and make it port to I2.
  8. Go back to I2 and kill apprentice, get spell book and small key.
  9. Go back to where you found the apprentice, unlock closet, get boots and pull lever.
  10. Kill Guardian Demon in maze and get staff and port out.
  11. C breath water, enter the underwater pool, and work your way to closed e exit.
  12. Hold staff, use staff door to open door, go e s e n till intersection
  13. Go the the sw corner and find fungus crawlin in one of the room descriptions
  14. Search till up opens lure out assassin and kill elf for brass key
  15. Move to the hazy passage in ne corner of maze, from there go u all e s w and search till w opens, then all w,n kill jade warrior for black spell book.
  16. Go back to the library and search till the spells books opens exits
  17. Get boots, open boots get all boots for a a small, sparkling ruby wich is the key for day2
  1. Get the right brick from rathernols
  2. Kill knights for black and silver key
  3. kill armors and Inquisitors for bone key and get ethereal key.
  4. Find spiked corridor
  5. kill the mage near the spiked corridor and get green spellbook
  6. Find entrance to sub jungle in library, find frogmen with crystal formation and kill
  7. Find ooze get amulet go to shielag
  8. Kill Shielag and get black leather backpack.
  9. Go back in jungle and trap Nightmare in front of port., close it and kill(need elems, really hard)
  10. Get the large pink marble ring
  11. Trap Dracoweres and kill the Dracowere with the scroll.
  12. Kill drow sorceress in hidden study.
  13. Trap jade spiders in non magic rooms
  14. Kill illithids, get tome from secret room.
  1. Get brick from rathernols.
  2. open back of north stone and get key from undead knights
  3. lure maiden into the fountain room, and kill her
  4. kill highlord and azure
  5. use the leaf and find the druid's secret hideout at the top of the hill and kill him for backpack
  1. metagolem roper vecna cryohydra genie metagolem knight rose vecna metagolem
gorgimera phantasm and death knight highlord vecna glabrezu 13.apprentice

You are cherry pick six hundred and eighty-four 
All content copyright Ronny Iversen ©2001, reuse of original or modified
content without permission is strictly prohibited.